Media and the formation of public knowledge and trends towards the parliamentary elections by applying to the Jordanian elections

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Mass Communication - Sohag University

2 Faculty of Arts – Yarmouk University

3 Faculty of Mass Communication – Yarmouk University


As the societal structure of Jordan has a peculiarity of the role of media in shaping the knowledge and attitudes of the public towards the electoral process, this attracts researchers’ attention to study its features and limits, especially in light of the momentum in the media arena.
 The Jordanian media have an unprecedented possibility to play a prominent role in developing collective awareness at the expense of the tribal awareness of the Jordanian voter, even if it is difficult to claim that this media momentum can cancel Exactly the role played by tribal or clan affiliation in determining the results of the electoral process.
The problem of the study can be formulated in the form of a main question, which is: “What is the nature of the role that the media - in all its spectrums - play in shaping the knowledge and attitudes of Jordanian voters towards the parliamentary elections in light of the tribal composition of the Jordanian society?
