Factors of youth acceptance of podcast technology:

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of journalism “journalistic arts technology”, at Department of Media, faculty of arts, Damietta University


The study aimed to monitor the communication behavior of young people in using podcast technology within the framework of the TAM model of technology acceptance, use and effects. The study belongs to the type of descriptive studies, relying on the survey method and by applying it to a sample of (500) individuals from Egyptian youth of both sexes who are users of news and general podcasts, The study found that although listeners agree that podcasting is a form of journalism, a way to stay informed about news and current events, and a valuable source of information, they are more skeptical of podcast journalists when compared to journalists from traditional news sources of information. In general, it can be said that the activity patterns of the respondents in their use of podcasts were “supportive” of the communicative effects resulting from use, represented by selectivity, attention, and absorption in the material presented through the podcast programs that they listen to. The results also indicated that the various communicative effects of young people’s use of podcasts were achieved to a high degree.
