Self-presentation strategies and communicative argumentation in the discourse of YouTube platform influencers and their relationship to the economy of attention of Egyptian youth abroad towards societal issues.

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor - Department of Media - Faculty of Specific Education - Port Said University. - Professor Doctor - Department of Media - College of Humanities and Social Sciences –King Saud University


The study aims to analyze the strategies of self-presentation and communication arguments included in the discourse of influencers in YouTube videos, and their relationship to the economy of attention of Egyptian youth residing abroad towards their societal issues. The researcher relied on a number of cognitive and theoretical approaches and frameworks through the theory of self-presentation, the theory of argumentation, and the concept of the attention economy. The self-presentation approach refers to how people present themselves to control how others see them, through impression management. The argumentation theory is one of the basic theories in the study of rhetorical techniques, which aims to stimulate the minds of the recipients of the speech. Dealing with the recipient's attention has taken a more serious turn as it has become an expensive and limited commodity, which has prompted content makers to adopt practices aimed at attracting individuals' attention economy and maintaining it for the longest possible period of time.
   The results revealed that the influencers relied on a number of communication argumentation strategies in presenting the various societal issues presented by them. It turns out that the difference in strategy depends on the intention of the influencer within the discourse. The persuasion strategy was linked to the intention of each influencer to achieve his goal in a convincing manner using mental and emotional appeals. While the solidarity strategy was employed by establishing a relationship between the influencer and Egyptian youth residing abroad, In contrast, with the influencer’s insistence on conveying the intent behind his speech and providing advice and guidance to the youth, he relied on the guidance strategy, When the influencer reached his goal in an indirect way that went beyond the literal meaning of the speech, he used the strategy of implicit insinuation. The influencers' focus on their YouTube accounts was on political, economic, and security issues. The study demonstrated the diversity of influencers’ self-presentation strategies, which makes the influencer’s survival on the YouTube platform dependent on the satisfaction of the receiving audience, and showed that there is a relationship between both self-presentation strategies and communication arguments, which Egyptian youth abroad realize in the digital content of YouTube videos, and the economy of their attention towards societal issues therein.
