The role of interactive communication in preparing new students to engage in university life within Saudi universities

Document Type : Original Article


1  Associate Professor in the Department of Public Relations - College of Communication and Media - King Abdulaziz University - Jeddah - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

2 Postgraduate Student in the Department of Public Relations - College of Communication and Media - King Abdulaziz University - Jeddah - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


The study aims to reveal the role of interactive communication in the preparation and integration of new students within Saudi universities by monitoring and analyzing publications (tweets) on the website and application of X (formerly Twitter) in terms of form and content, as well as identifying the nature of the target audience, the size and form of the interaction on these tweets, the level of professionalism in the preparation of the communications messages found in the tweet, the behavior of their followers by identifying their subject matter, the templates presented, and the language used in their formulation. In its theoretical framework, the study was guided by the theory of social marketing, and the study used content analysis approach. The study community is represented by the tweet published on the former Twitter, X app now, using content analysis (209) tweets, (1593) commentary, and (513) responses of the account manager.
The study reached many conclusions through its objectives. There was a diversity in the communication content published through the former Twitter application, which contained many clarifications regarding the regulations relevant to the new university students. The sample of the study focused on the use of several communication strategies to communicate with the fresher students through the use of several communication strategies, the most important of which was direct-informatic communication, fact-finding, and evidence. The study found communicational behavior in the absence of a specific language for a specific audience by sex and thus amounted to a rate of tweets that did not use a male or both language (74.6%).
The study concluded with important recommendations, including the further enhancement of the efficiency of modern and advanced electronic means of communication for all members of the University in order to achieve effective and targeted communication, the preparation and delivery of training courses in communication to increase and develop the capacities of staff involved in interacting with new students, and the need to educate and sensitize all university leaders on the importance of modern communication methods and their role in facilitating the process of integration new students into university life.
