Implications of virtual identity work on social practice for university faculty assistants via social media.

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Media, Faculty of Specific Education, Zagazig University


The central idea of ​​this study is based on the theory of social practice and Bourdieu's concept of the transformation of capital within the digital communications environment. For Bourdieu, the positions of actors in various social fields correspond to the sizes of the different forms of capital that they possess and that individuals can accumulate (economic and cultural). It is convertible, in certain circumstances, into economic capital and can be institutionalized. Hence, the subject of the study crystallizes in seeking to explain the work of identity in the digital environment for university faculty assistants (on social media) in re-transforming capital. Within the framework of Bourdieu's practice theory concepts. Study participants pointed to the various ways in which communication through academic identity through social media led to strengthening cultural, social, and economic capital and changing habits. Through it, they were able to develop a set of resources that they can employ in their academic and professional fields, including professional contexts. It cannot be overlooked that the participants achieved their potential in the social ladder by using self-presentation of identity in the digital environment. The study adds a methodological dimension to enrich qualitative (qualitative) research in Arab studies in the field of digital environment studies to study users’ communicative motivations and behaviors within an integrated framework of qualitative research methodology (ethnographic methodology/data analysis based on grounded methodology) in an attempt to develop a theoretical and methodological vision for Arab qualitative research and studies. In the field of communication studies and digital media.
