The role of official pages on social media in shaping the mental image of government institutions.

Document Type : Original Article


PhD in Digital Media/ Institute of National Planning


The main objective of the study was based on identifying the role of official pages on social media in forming the mental image of government institutions, by identifying the relationship between exposure and participation in official pages and its correlation with forming the mental image in building the identity and personality of the institution, monitoring and analyzing the evaluation of the media performance of the official pages. of government institutions by the target audience and its relationship to the follow-up rate, as well as analyzing and interpreting the relationship between the follow-up rate of the official pages of government institutions and the degree of trust in those institutions, through a descriptive field study based on a media survey, by applying a questionnaire to a sample of 400 (rural and urban) ); With the withdrawal of 219 males, compared to 181 females.
The most important results of the research were:

A statistically significant correlation between exposure to the official pages of government institutions on social media platforms and the degree of reliance on them as a source for creating a mental image.
A statistically significant correlation between relying on the official pages of government institutions on social media platforms as a source for creating the mental image and the nature of the trend towards its role in shaping the mental image towards it.
A statistically significant correlation between the study sample’s trust in the official pages of government institutions on social media platforms and the degree of their reliance on it as a source for creating a mental image.

