The Impact of Facebook on Intellectual Security from an Egyptian Woman's Perspective:

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of Radio and Television, Department of Media, Faculty of Arts, Benha University


This study aims to explore the role of Facebook in influencing, both positively and negatively, intellectual security in its various dimensions - political, social, national, religious, and critical - from the perspective of Egyptian women. The study utilizes the Elaboration likelihood Model (ELM) and the Social Judgment Theory (SJT). Data was collected through a questionnaire that was statistically validated for reliability and validity. The questionnaire was applied to a non-random sample of convenience of (521) Egyptian women from different governorates of Egypt. The study reached a few important results, including:

The highest proportion of factors leading to the disruption of intellectual security, from the perspective of the Egyptian women in the study sample, was attributed to the statement "Failure of social upbringing and the absence of the role of parents." The same statement, but in the positive form "Parents' interest in the sound and correct religious upbringing of their children," was found to be the most important factor in promoting intellectual security.
Facebook was ranked as the most prominent electronic application that disrupts intellectual security from the perspective of the Egyptian women in the study sample, with a relative weight of (83.8%). It was followed by YouTube with a relative weight of (71.2%), and then Twitter in third place with a relative weight of (68.2%).
The impact of Facebook, from the perspective of the Egyptian women in the study sample, was at a high and medium level in some dimensions of intellectual security, such as the political dimension in favor of a positive impact, the social dimension in favor of a positive impact, the national dimension in favor of a negative impact, and the critical thinking dimension in favor of a positive impact.
There were statistically significant differences between the Egyptian women in the study sample according to the geographical region in their level of assessment of the overall impact of Facebook on intellectual security in its various dimensions, in favor of Greater Cairo and the North Delta region, which were the highest in the arithmetic mean.

