The Egyptian elite’s evaluation of media content presented in digital entertainment platforms and its impact on the values of Egyptian youth:

Document Type : Original Article


Journalism teacher, Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University.


The past years have witnessed a great spread of what are known as digital entertainment platforms that rely on providing entertainment services that are different and diverse from what is presented in other media, and their spread was reinforced by the pandemic (Covid-19) that the world witnessed, which was followed by the closure of most entertainment places in the world.
With the continuous increase in the spread of digital entertainment platforms and the increased demand for them in our Arab societies, especially the Egyptian society, and with these platforms beginning to broadcast content in the Arabic language that directly addresses our Arab societies, especially young people who, according to many studies, are considered the primary consumer of these contents, and with the emergence of different patterns of viewing. (Binge or excessive viewing) and the intensity of exposure to such content that accompanies it. It was necessary to shed light on the effects of this content, especially the directly directed Arabic content, on the values of our societies and their cultural specificity, and whether these contents take into account this specificity or not. it was necessary to discuss with experts from the academic, media, and professional elite to evaluate this relatively recent societal phenomenon in our societies, their vision of the pros and cons of these platforms, and to identify the most important effects that these contents can have on the values of Egyptian youth, and their vision regarding dealing with these platforms. And ways to confront the contents presented therein. The study took an integrative approach that relies on a number of theories and approaches, including media richness theory, technological Determinism Theory, and the Cultivation Theory. The study found a high positive evaluation of the elite members of the study sample, both with regard to the nature of using the Netflix platform, as well as services offered by the platform, the level of interactivity available on it, and the nature of the content presented on it, which reflects the distinctive features of this new media, while the elites’ assessment of the effects of digital entertainment platforms on the values of young people fluctuated between positive and negative effects.
