The vision of Saudi media professionals towards building the political reputation of the Kingdom in the Saudi media

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Media, Department of Media, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, King Saud University.


The study aimed to know the vision of Saudi journalists towards the political reputation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in foreign media, and the study used the descriptive survey approach by circulating a questionnaire that surveyed the vision of journalists as a tool for data collection and the study sample included (105) Saudi journalists, and the study found that the majority of Saudi journalists exceed five years of media experience, and the study sample considers the Kingdom a pivotal and important country in the region, and that financial abundance is what makes positive trends towards the Kingdom, as the study sample confirmed that they They follow the accounts of Arab media professionals in social networks, and both Arab and Saudi media comment on what is published in the accounts of each other, and the news and statements issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs receive great attention in the foreign media, and the opinions of the study sample were neutral by benefiting from building the Kingdom's reputation from cooperation agreements between the Kingdom and brotherly and friendly countries. It was the result of the interest of foreign media in the Kingdom because of oil issues, and it was the result of the presence of followers of foreign media professionals for the accounts of Saudi media professionals, which contributed to building the reputation of countries is not much different from the reputation of individuals, as it is the final outcome of what others perceive and believe about a state, institution or individuals, the reputation creates an intellectual and behavioral framework for others to deal with the owner of the reputation, the more positive the trend towards those who represent it positively and vice. Versa
