A linguistic Approach to Discourse Analysis of the Speeches of Press Conferences and Arab Summits:

Document Type : Original Article


 Assistant Professor of Journalism - Faculty of Arts - Damietta University.


The study sought to analyze the texts of President Sisi's speeches from the perspective of modern textual linguistics, by applying to his speech at the joint press conference with the Chairman of the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council, and his speech during the work of the Jeddah Summit for Security and Development, relying on several approaches represented in the descriptive analytical approach, the cognitive analysis method, and the case study method, the study reached several results, including: Linguistic sufficiency emerged in the speeches of the study sample, as it contributed to the production of official speeches that carry clear political connotations, and there were many discursive indicators that were employed, which contributed to achieving consistency and harmony, and in reflecting the Egyptian orientation towards the issues raised.
