The credibility of the media coverage of economic crises through electronic newspaper websites and its relationship to the Egyptian public’s confidence and attitudes towards them

Document Type : Original Article


 Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Media, Faculty of Specific Education - Menoufia University.


The aim of the research is to identify the extent of the credibility of the media's handling of economic crises through the websites of electronic newspapers and its relationship to the Egyptian public's confidence and attitudes towards it, by revealing the volume of dealing with economic crises through the websites of electronic newspapers, and to identify the extent of the credibility of the media's handling of economic crises through the websites of electronic newspapers to the public. This study belongs to the descriptive studies, and within its framework, the researcher used the survey method in its two parts, analytical and field, and used in that questionnaire and content analysis as tools to collect the required data. The websites of the electronic newspapers, which are (Al-Youm Al-Saba’ electronic newspaper - Al-Ahram electronic newspaper), and the study concluded that the currency crisis came at the forefront of the economic crises that were dealt with in the study newspapers, followed by the crisis of high prices, and text and images came in the forefront of the forms of presentation of journalistic contents related to economic crises in newspapers Electronic, followed in the second place by text, image and video. It also showed that there were statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the respondents on the scale of the level of exposure to content related to economic crises, according to the different levels of credibility in the media handling of the contents related to economic crises through electronic newspaper websites.
