Public attitudes towards Rumors circulating through social media and their effects on the growing economic crises in Egypt after the Russian-Ukrainian war 2022

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of mass media- Faculty of Arts - Mansoura University


The study aimed to identify public attitudes towards rumors circulating through social networks and their effects on the growing economic crises in Egypt after the Russian-Ukrainian war of 2022 and the study found that the public is exposed to rumors on social media in Egypt permanently and intensively. In addition to the diversity of the reasons for the public’s interest in rumors, as the lack of information issued by the authorities and institutions concerned with the rumor, the delay in responding, and the fact that social media platforms all participate in the production and dissemination of rumors, and Facebook came as the most productive and spreading social media platform for rumors in Egypt. Fake news, rumors of betrayal and hatred among the sects of society, the list of the most circulated rumors on social media pages in 2022, and economic rumors topped the list of the highest on social media. The study recommends allowing young people to express their views on various issues through the media and various digital platforms, as the researcher believes that public participation in public affairs issues can reduce the spread of rumors in society.
