The impact of prevailing trends in social media (trends) on on-demand viewing services

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in the Department of Radio and Television Production at the International Academy of Engineering and Media Sciences


Aspects of human activities have been influenced by social media to a great extent, but how this influence occurs on individual decision-making has not yet been adequately studied. With the rapid growth of online social media, a large number of individuals around the world are sharing news, statuses and feelings. Constantly through their social networks, through various interactions, such as retweets, replies, comments, and mentions, as these interactions contain the spread of different ideas and create a state of collective interest in these ideas, which may ultimately lead to social media trends over the Internet (trend) ( Borner et al., 2004, 2008; Crane and Sornette).
For all of this, the study seeks to identify the role of modern trends (trends) in social media and the impact of social pressure on the consumer’s conviction based on what his reference group has tended towards, such as friends, parents, and colleagues, which enhances the spread of digital platform content.
