The mental image of media professionals in drama and its repercussions on young people’s vision of the reality of media work

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor in the Department of Radio and Television, Faculty of Information, Cairo University


Presenting drama to media models in their various works plays a clear role in forming the mental image of media professionals among the public, and the danger of those mental images formed about media professionals increases among young people, who may have a negative mental image of media professionals and the media field in general, which in turn leads to Their aversion to this profession affects young people’s interest in enrolling in media colleges, or their view of those who belong to this worthy profession, in addition to adopting false perceptions about media work methods.
Hence the problem of the study came to focus on: studying the features of the mental image presented to media professionals in Egyptian drama as perceived by young people, and the repercussions of the features of this mental image on their vision of reality.
Media work.
The study relied on the theory of cultural implantation and applied the field study through a questionnaire, on an available sample of 300 young people in Cairo and Alexandria governorates, aged 18-30 years.
The results showed that the young people in the study sample believe that Egyptian drama presented a negative image of media institutions and the reality of media work in them, such as that it is based primarily on the principle of financial profit, and in order to achieve it, it gives up principles and ethics, and accepts lies, fabrication, and misleading the public in order to please advertisers or those in power. And influence
The results also showed the awareness of the young people in the study sample about the characteristics that a media person should have in reality, such as: having an opinion and principle, being a student of the media, practicing his media work in revealing the truth while taking into account ethical aspects.
