Online Multiplayer Games and Their Relationship to Cyberbullying

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in the Journalism Department, Faculty of Mass Communication - Al-Ahram Canadian University


Online games are digital games that require a fundamental and continuous connection to the internet during gameplay. Among them are games that can be played by a single player against the environment, or multiplayer games. Electronic games are characterized by the emergence of what is known as the "gaming community." These communities are gatherings resembling forums or social networking sites where gamers come together to enhance communication and interaction among themselves. Some of the most renowned platforms for these communities are Twitch, and  Steam. Even though the realm of gaming serves as an entertainment medium that allows individuals to experience enjoyment, healthy competition, vitality, and the formation of friendships within virtual communities, companies within the gaming industry establish rules for player behavior and social standards. Failure to adhere to these rules can lead to individuals receiving warnings, temporary suspensions, or complete bans from the game.
However, the proliferation of negative behaviors and harmful actions within the gaming environment, which can be sources of stress and conflict, has become a growing and concerning phenomenon in online multiplayer games. Such behaviors include fraud, online scams, cyberbullying, and harassment, all of which have the potential to harm players.
Cyber bullying is a significant problem faced by communities, in which technology plays a major role. Online gaming platforms are not necessarily safer than other online interactions. This includes making negative comments about others, engaging in actions that harm and harass others, and even forming groups to collectively bully individuals for various reasons, such as gender, race, or the perceived skill level of new players in the game.
This study aims to shedding light on the nature of online multiplayer games, understanding the forms of electronic bullying within them, whether the user is a victim, witness, or perpetrator of bullying. Additionally, the study aims to understand the reasons behind cyber bullying.
One of the most important findings of the study is that online Denigration is the most common form of cyber bullying, followed by harassment and stalking. This applies whether the individual is a victim or a witness. The most common forms of cyber bullying practiced by the sample group were excluding others, followed by online Denigration. Ways for confronting cyber bullying were mostly indirect or negative so as to avoid direct confrontation with the bully, with a preference for avoiding conflict when it occurs. According to the researchers', the reasons for cyber bullying are primarily linked to "self-efficacy", i.e. be able to use the online tools sufficiently, followed by "anonymity," where it is easy to participate in games under a fake identity. Next is the "expectation of consequences," Lastly, "environmental beliefs" come into play, as an individual's social network influences their perception of accepted and prevalent behaviors.
