The role of social marketing campaigns in reducing the phenomenon of bullying

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Relations and Advertising at the International Higher Institute of Media - Shorouk Academy


The study highlights the role of social marketing campaigns in reducing the spread of negative phenomena, especially the phenomenon of bullying, by applying an initiative embellished with ethics, where it dealt with the role of social marketing campaigns in addressing bad behaviors and showing their negative effects on society and their role in developing community awareness, fighting and preventing bullying, knowing the motives and reasons for the public exposure to these campaigns, and measuring their satisfaction with them, the study relied on the theory of third-person influence as well as the entrance to the seven doors of social marketing, the study was conducted on a deliberate sample of 400 individuals from the Egyptian public at the age of 18 years moreover, the study confirmed that the percentage of 51.8% of the study sample was exposed to bullying media campaigns on a permanent basis, and social networking sites came out on top with 77.5% of the total ways through which the study sample follows social marketing campaigns, including a campaign that beautifies with ethics, and the campaign had the highest follow-up rate among bullying media campaigns with a score of 92.3, due to its superiority in covering all the elements affecting its success, whether the clarity and simplicity of the idea or the suitability of characters for the idea, music or television directing, and the campaign received high confidence rates, as the percentage of 46.3% of the study sample have a high degree of confidence in an ethical beauty campaign, 46.3%, compared to 6.8% The field study proved the existence of a statistically significant correlation between the rate of follow-up of the study sample to a campaign beautifying with ethics and the researchers ' awareness of the impact of the social marketing campaign (beautifying with ethics) on oneself, friends and others.
