The semiotics of the press photo of armed conflict in Sudan published on news websites of international newspapers:

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in the Journalism Department, Faculty of Mass Communication - South Valley University


The study aimed to reveal the semiotic connotations of press photos of the 2023 Sudan clashes on the news websites of international newspapers (the American New York Times website, the British Times, and the Israeli Times of Israel), relying on the semiological analysis tool in light of Roland Barthes’ approach at both levels. The first objective level was represented by a precise description of a sample of photos published of the 2023 Sudan clashes on international newspaper websites during the study period. The second level includes inclusion, which means reading in-depth what is behind the photo to reveal the symbolic connotations and values it carries, which differ from one society to another.
The results of the semiotic analysis revealed that the websites did not address the consequences of slander and destruction on citizens, including deaths and injuries, despite their discussion in the text of the news or the report detailing the numbers of dead and injured. The symbolic connotations and meanings inherent in the photos in the study sample revealed the focus of the American Newspaper the New York Times in highlighting the bad situation resulting from the Sudanese clashes to achieve a main goal, which is to send a message to the world to look into the Sudanese clashes and the bad situation that the citizens are suffering from, to find quick solutions to stop this, thus expressing America’s endeavor. Permanent peace and non-violence as you  call for. While the pictures came on the website of the British newspaper The Times to express solidarity in all its forms, thus expressing its solidarity with the Sudanese people and emphasizing that to address the world with the need to help them. The Times of Israel focused on the citizens, their solidarity with the situation, their indifference, and their coexistence amidst the smoke. The citizens did not resort to violence to confront the situation, as they were moved to surrender to the existing situation, as if it was calling for coexistence and surrender despite the killing and destruction, thus expressing the acts of destruction and devastation that were not only the actions of the Zionists, but also the actions of the Arabs.
