Digital determinism and restrictions on content creation and its relationship to youth’s tendency to use innovations in social media platforms: Threads as an example

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in the Department of Radio and Television, Faculty of Information, Cairo University


    The problem of this study crystallizes in two basic points: First: identifying the reasons that prompted Egyptian youth to rush to register on the new Threads platform launched by the Meta Group in light of the availability of many other social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, of which Threads is a part. Second: Explaining the role of restrictions imposed on publishing content on Facebook and Twitter platforms in increasing the volume of demand for Threads or not.
    This study is one of the descriptive studies that seeks to monitor and characterize the role of digital and technical determinism and its role in pushing Egyptian youth towards using new innovations in social media platforms. The study relied on a survey method for a non-random (available) sample of Egyptian youth who use the Threads platform, consisting of 221 respondents, with various demographic characteristics.
    The researcher used the survey method by using a questionnaire form to collect data for the study. The study reached several results, the most important of which are: the existence of a correlation between the rate of use of the Threads application on a daily basis and the extent to which the application differs from other social platforms, and the existence of a relationship between the rate of use of the Threads application on a daily basis and the motivations for creating an account on it. A correlation also appeared between the rate of use of the Threads application on a daily basis and trends towards... The future of the new Threads platform. The results also indicated a correlation between the rate of daily use of the Threads application and the extent to which the application differs from other social platforms.
