The Relationship Between the Professional Performance of Al-Ekhbariyah Channel and Its Credibility Among the Saudi Audience:

Document Type : Original Article


Professor of Media, College of Humanities and Social Sciences - King Saud University


The current study aimed to investigate the relationship between the professional performance of the Al-Ekhbariyah Channel and the credibility of the news and topics presented on that channel among the Saudi Audience, and the degree of confidence of the Saudi public in the channel's content and its relationship to its credibility among the Saudi Audience. The researcher used the survey method and a questionnaire to obtain information from the Saudi citizens, both male and female, as this study consisted of (434) Samples.
The results showed that Saudi Audience viewership of the Al-Ekhbariyah Channel is low, with limited watching of its programs. The most influential factor affecting Saudi audience viewership of Al-Ekhbariyah Channel was their preference for watching high-professional channels, it being an official channel, and its limited capabilities. The Saudi audience sample viewed Al-Ekhbariyah Channel coverage of local Saudi news as moderate. The results also showed that the Saudi public affirmed the credibility of the Al-Ekhbariyah Channel and its commitment to elements that enhance its professional performance and that the public's confidence in the news channel ranged from moderate to high.
The results revealed a statistically significant correlational relationship between the professional performance of Al-Ekhbariyah Channel and its credibility among the Saudi audience, indicating that the higher the Saudi audience's view of Al-Ekhbariyah Channel's commitment to professional performance standards, the higher their view of its credibility. The study also showed statistically significant differences in the Saudi audience's view of the news channel's credibility, attributable to differences in social status, age, income, and education. It also revealed a positive (direct) relationship between trust in the news and topics presented by Al-Ekhbariyah Channel in its various programs and its credibility.
In conclusion, the study found that a higher level of professional performance by the Al-Ekhbariyah Channel is associated with increased credibility and that trust in its content enhances its credibility among the Saudi audience.
