Specialized digital platforms address the issue of empowering Arab women:

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor in the Department of Radio and Television, Faculty of Information, Menoufia University.


The study aims to identify the methods and strategies employed by digital platforms specialized in addressing the issue of empowering Arab women, and to evaluate these strategies within the framework of the theory of social responsibility for media and the foundations of specialized media content industry, by conducting a comparative analytical study of the content provided through accounts specialized in women's issues in Egypt. And Saudi Arabia through the Twitter network, and the study reached many results, the most important of which are -
-Most of the specialized digital content focused on highlighting the economic empowerment of women, and the most important goals of empowerment were represented in the content on supporting women’s social awareness and highlighting their position in the first place in line with the goals of sustainable development in Egypt and the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.
-Paying attention to employing rational inducements as a persuasive strategy in the content presented, especially through employing active personalities and official statements.
-The results of the statistical tests did not prove the existence of statistically significant differences between the characteristics of the digital content of the specialized digital platforms, the study sample, and the national identity of each of the Egyptian and Saudi specialized platforms.
- -The digital content in the field of empowering women has achieved the objectives of the social responsibility of the media in terms of providing the public with correct and objective information, clarifying the goals of society and providing an opportunity for expression. The content lacked interactivity and depth in the media treatment of the issue.
