The Role of the Journalist reporter in Enriching the News bulletins of Jordan Television and the extent of his commitment to professional and ethical standards

Document Type : Original Article


Jordanian TV correspondent in Cairo


The study mainly aimed at identifying the role of the reporter in enriching newsletters in Jordan TV. The study was based on two methods: the descriptive approach and the analytical approach. The population of the study covers all reporters (110 participants) who work in Jordan TV: (80) males and (30) females. The researcher adopted cluster random sample.  The statistical analysis has been managed using SPSS software where several variables have been considered taking into consideration the significance level (a≤ 0.05).
The results of the study indicated a moderate degree of agreement among the sample of the study on the role of the reporter in enriching Jordan TV newsletters (with the average responses = 3.48). It also finds out that the overall degree of factors influencing the role of the reporter in enriching newsletters on Jordan TV was high (with the average responses = 3.75). The study also finds that reporters encounter a high degree of internal problems (with the average responses = 3.90). However, it is found that external factors contribute a medium degree of influence on the work of the reporter (with the average responses = 3.57).
The overall degree of the skills required for newsletters’ reporters in Jordan TV registered a high degree (the average response = 4.09). At the variables levels, it is noticed that personal criteria, which control reporters work, contribute to the highest level (average response = 4.37). This percentage is followed by personal skills that reporters have (average response = 3.96). The results intriguingly find a high degree of agreement on the fact that reporters are commitment to work ethics in the Jordan TV newsletters (average response= 4.42). Additionally, the overall degree of difficulties faced by a reporter to access information, and professional obstacles receive a high degree respectively (average response = 3.98). Considering the two scales, the highest score was registered for the difficulties encountered by the reporter in obtaining information (average response = 4.46). The second highest category was the obstacles faced by the reporter (average responses = 3.55).
In light of the results of the study, it is recommended that internal problems faced by Jordan TV reporters must be solved via several procedures including: activating incentives system, clarity of regulations and instructions, breaking routine and bureaucratic procedures, alleviating the pressures of daily work for Jordan TV reporters, simplifying the administrative and regulatory procedures, and enhancing the sense of job security.
It is also recommended that Jordan TV selects reports on the basis of professionality away from nepotism or favoritism by giving priority to recruit holders of academic degrees in journalism and media in the News Department. Further research and studies in this concern are also recommended to crystallize a vision for the role of reporters in enriching newsletters and serving their media message.
