The mediating role of both intellectual security and political anxiety in the relationship between FOMO and the use of social networking sites

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication and Media Sciences, Faculty of Arts - Ain Shams University.


As a result of the increasing and successive economic crises, the public seeks to follow the posts on social networking sites, which in turn have a role in the occurrence of political anxiety, and also have an impact on the Intellectual security as a result of what is published on those pages, and psychologists have also exaggerated the phenomenon of FOMO, fear of missing out, which is a phenomenon that leads to checking and reading social media continuously, the researcher believes that it may have the greatest impact on the feeling of societal threats as a result of what may be published about unconfirmed news or events or rumors that greatly excite the public, so the current study seeks to identify the mediating role of political anxiety in the relationship between FOMO and the use of social networking sites within the framework of the societal threats approach (the risk society), and by using the Media Dependence Theory, by applying on a sample of 400 individuals from the Egyptian public, using the questionnaire tool and the focus group.
The results of the study showed that: There is a relationship between the use of social networking sites and the feeling of anxiety, The theory of societal risks also indicates that the intensity of exposure to the media in general increases during times of disasters, risks and crises, which is confirmed by the results of the current study. Where the results of the study indicated that there is a significant correlation between the intensity of exposure to social media and the public's perception of societal danger.
