A Study of Personal Service Robot FutureMarketing Trend With The Foresight of Technological Innovation

Document Type : Original Article


Lecture of public relation and advertising at El- Gazera high institution


Mobile and immobile manipulator technologies have been significantly used in the industry for more than half a century already. Along with the scientific and technological advancement, robots, nowadays are integrated with functions such as cognition, tactile sensing, thinking, and self-navigating motion, and are capable of interacting with human or other objects thru sensors. By and large, along with these innovations, the dominating industrial adoption of robotic technology is now shifting toward other areas such as Service Robots in domestic and professional usage. Domestic robots then cover applications such as entertainment, education, security, nursing, and house keeping. By reviewing literatures analytically, this study focuses on Service Robots, of its pass and current usage, and determines the key technologies of development of robotics science. Lastly, the study attempts to forecast innovative trend of robots by technical foresight methods.
This study utilized literature review, interviews, and scenario analysis, this study outlines the technology roadmap, and the marketing development strategy and planning of the Service Robots and its future prospect on the market. The study reveals that, Service Robot of future can communicate with its users thru WiMAX and personal digital platform without the boundary of time and distance. And will become an important member of the owner’s family by performing care-taking, comforting, house  keeping, educating, and entertainment tasks to others under the same roof.
