Issues of the Palestinian issue between seeking information and its relationship to satisfaction with the performance of digital and traditional media

Document Type : Original Article


Doctorate researcher in journalism and media/Manouba University_Tunisia


The study aimed to identify the extent to which a sample of the Arab public relied on traditional and digital media to identify issues related to the Palestinian issue and their evaluation of the role of those media in addressing these issues. Arabic in a number of Arab countries consisting of 400 words, and the study found:

There is a statistically significant correlation between the rates of the Arab public's use of traditional and modern media to learn about information, and their evaluation of the media's role in dealing with issues of Palestinian affairs.
There is a statistically significant correlation between the motives of the Arab public's use of traditional and modern media to learn about information, and their attitudes towards Palestinian issues
There are no significant differences between the Arab public (study sample) according to their demographic characteristics (gender, educational level, socio-economic level, place of residence) with regard to evaluating the role of Arab media in dealing with the Palestinian issue.

