Evaluation of media coverage of the mega Egyptian tourist events

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at the Faculty of Media Production - Galala University


            In light of the Egyptian state’s endeavors to advance the tourism sector, it has made many updates to bring foreign tourism back after a period of instability since the 2011 revolution. Among these updates is the establishment of the Museum of Civilizations in the Fustat area in ancient Egypt, and a legendary ceremony to transfer 22 mummies of ancient Egyptian kings and queens from The Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square to the Museum of Civilizations, in a majestic procession called “Pharaohs' Golden Parade”, and then in Upper Egypt in Luxor, the rams road linking Luxor Temple and Karnak Temple was developed and opened in an international celebration “The Sphinx Avenue Grand Opening”. Because of these two important events, the Egyptian state paid attention to the media coverage of these two major events. This study evaluates the media coverage of tourism events from the perspective of foreigners and reviews the strengths and weaknesses of that media coverage in its ability to attract foreign audiences to follow the events and change any negative thoughts about Egypt through those events, as well as sheds light on the extent of the continuity of these events. Link and remember the events’ details after the official opening events end. This study belongs to descriptive studies and relied on the field survey method. The study was applied to a sample of 200 foreigners residing outside Egypt through a questionnaire that was distributed to the available sample of foreigners. Hence, the most important results of the study came that the “Pharaohs' Golden Parade” obtained the satisfaction of the foreign public greater than “The Sphinx Avenue Grand Opening”, and the media coverage of the two events succeeded in changing the negative impressions of the foreign public about Egypt by 94.8% of the total respondents. The foreign public also recommended the need to use new media to promote tourism events through the use of digital platforms The world, producing interactive documentaries on digital platforms and on electronic game consoles, as well as designing augmented reality applications and 360-degree films to cover tourist places more interactively and attracting a youth audience that deals more intensively with these interactive technologies than watching traditional television coverage.
