Abstract The effectiveness of live streaming videos on news pages in prioritizing social topics among the Egyptian public

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in the Department of News Journalism, Faculty of Mass Communication - Ain Shams University


This study aims to monitoring and analyzing the Egyptian news pages’ use of live streaming technology in presenting social topics and identifying its role in prioritizing the Egyptian public’s interest in social topics, in addition to revealing the most prominent reasons that prompt the study sample to watch or not watch live streaming videos on the Egyptian news pages. The current study is considered a descriptive study and relied on the methodology of survey, a comparative approach and the correlational relations using a content analysis form and an electronic survey, which was applied on a sample of Egyptian public. the study was based on agenda-setting theory. The results showed that news pages did not take advantage of live streaming technology to enhance their role in highlighting specific topics, as the study concluded that there was no correlation between the prioritization of social topics through live streaming videos on news pages and their ranking among the respondents, and thus the main hypothesis of agenda building theory has not been proven, that the greater the focus on a topic in the media, the more prominent this topic is among the public.
