The impact of the Under Guardianship series on awareness of the suffering of widowed women in light of the National Strategy for Women’s Empowerment 2030

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in the Journalism Department, Faculty of Media and Communication Technology - South Valley University


From the first episode of the series (Under Guardianship), which is the subject of controversy, because of its discussion of an issue that was not highlighted in Egyptian drama, which is the mother’s suffering in caring for her children after the father’s death, and the difficulties she faces even in the simplest procedures, and the discussion began about the necessity of changing the financial guardianship law. Educational education and transfer to the mother, due to her constant suffering in receiving the entitlements, whether from her grandfather or uncle. The issue reached the Senate, and after continuous demands from parliamentarians, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi agreed to amend the law on wills on minors’ funds, during the activities of the National Dialogue Conference. From here, the problem of the study crystallized in monitoring the impact of the series “Under Guardianship” on awareness of the suffering of widowed women in light of the National Strategy for Women’s Empowerment 2030.
The study reached several results, the most important of which is the intensity of following the drama series (Under Guardianship), where the high viewing of the series was at the forefront by 67.3%, followed by irregular following of the series by 25.3% of the sample, and finally the non-following of the series by 7.5%. Of the total sample of the series, as for both males and females of the study sample following the series (Under Guardianship) during the month of Ramadan, there was no difference between the two samples in the levels of regularity of follow-up, so there was a convergence between both males and females in the progress of regular viewing of the series. With a percentage of 63.1% for males and a percentage of 69.3% for females, in addition to the series revealing the instincts of looking at women in a society of men, and their economic ambitions, the first of which is the acquisition of most of their sources of capital, with a weight of 92 degrees, and the oversight of the Al-Asba Council is considered a sterile oversight that harms the interest of minor children. With a weight of 84 degrees. Given the positive treatment of the series (Under Guardianship) of the law, the study sample confirmed that the series represents the required social role of media and drama in vital societies whose conditions can be criticized and discussed, with a weight of 94 degrees. These results confirm what was expressed by the answers of the study sample to the statements aimed at evaluating the drama series (Under Guardianship), where the positive evaluation was that it had an impact in raising the level of awareness of the nature of the law, which is the law of guardianship, and its effects on children and mothers, and clarifying their suffering in a literal way, and that this dramatic treatment The influence led to a major societal movement in solidarity with the issue of dramatic work, and the People’s Assembly moved towards amending the law, as well as the President of the Republic’s approval of that.
