The using of public relations in the security services of social networking sites to enhancing the Kuwaiti public’s confidence in the performance of the police force

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor at Saad Al-Abdullah Academy for Security Sciences


  The problem of the study is to identify the nature of the security services’ public relations use of their pages on social networking sites to enhance the Kuwaiti public’s confidence in the performance of the police force and the behavioral, cognitive and emotional effects of this role on the public. The study is based on the theory of reliance on the media, and media richness theory, and an available sample size of 400 individuals was drawn. Of the Kuwaiti public, the study found an increase in the number of hours and days of following security pages via social networking sites, so 63% of the study sample was interested in following these pages, followed by some interest in following these pages by 34.3% of the sample, especially in light of The study sample’s assessment of the security agency’s public relations department’s reliance on providing information related to the performance of the Kuwaiti police force was greatly increased by 54.8% of the study sample on social networking sites. It was also proven that there is a statistically significant correlation between the confidence of the study sample. In the performance of the Kuwaiti police force based on the information provided about it through its pages on social networking sites and the occurrence of emotional, cognitive and behavioral effects as a result of following up on the information provided about the police force on its page on social networking sites in creating awareness of the nature of the security reality and the performance of the device.
