Egyptian youth attitudes towards digital currencies

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in the Integrated Marketing Communications Department, Faculty of Media and Communication Technology - Suez University.


The study aimed to identify the Egyptian youth's knowledge of digital currencies and to identify the sources through which young people know information about the bitcoin currency, reveal the advantages and disadvantages of the bitcoin currency, in addition to monitoring the attitudes of Egyptian youth towards the use of the bitcoin currency, 31.3% know the Bitcoin currency well and 11.1% of the respondents indicated that they do not know the Bitcoin currency at all. 39.2% of the sample knew about the Bitcoin currency in 2019 when its price exceeded twenty thousand dollars, the social networking site Facebook topped the sources that individuals use to learn about the developments of the Bitcoin currency, 31.3% expressed their agreement to invest their money in the Bitcoin currency in exchange for 68.7% refused to invest their money in bitcoin.
