Modern research directions for media and communication sciences within the framework of cognitive integration entrances: an analytical survey study of Arabic information bases "Dar Al-Mandumah as a model"

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences and Media, Faculty of Specific Education, Zagazig University


The issue of knowledge integration is one of the most important intellectual and methodological issues that characterized the Arab heritage, as knowledge integration represents the highest peaks of creativity as an analytical mechanism for approaching a group of scientific and cognitive phenomena, The study sought to clarify the importance of cognitive integration of media and communication sciences with other sciences and different knowledge to solve problems and study phenomena .     .
Through a descriptive and analytical survey of the Arabic digital databases "Dar Al-Mandumah as a model" to determine the methodology of media research and describe its content, and the extent to which it relies on the principle of cognitive integration and bridge in its study of societal and humanitarian problems , An analysis of the most important fields of knowledge that media research overlapped with, and the mechanism of dependence of media and communication studies on the entrances to knowledge integration
 In order to reach integrated studies and original research recommendations to serve the societal context in all its tributaries, the sample of this study belongs to the non-probability samples The researcher conducted a qualitative analysis process on a sample of published and unpublished Arabic research and studies, which amounted to 118 studies and scientific research, in the time period from the beginning of 2016 to 2021.
The study reached the adoption of modern research trends for media and communication studies on the entrances of cognitive integration in its study of various research phenomena and problems Most of the media and communication studies relied on the two entrances to cognitive integration and cognitive interaction, in dealing with problems and dealing with phenomena Most of its research directions were to deal with phenomena whose branches intertwine with more than one field of knowledge, which necessitates studying them in general in order to reach realistic and radical solutions, and the resulting new fields of knowledge emerging from these studies.
