The discourse's Analysis of the Russian-Ukrainian War Discourse on the Websites of Private Egyptian Newspapers:

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Radio and Television, Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, South Valley University


The current study aims to analyze the discourses of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the websites of private Egyptian newspapers, by revealing the trends of the journalistic discourse, the strategies to be followed in coverage, determining the paths of proof, and the roles of the active forces in the discourses of the study sample that were represented in the opinion articles on the websites of Al-Masry Al-Youm and the Seventh Which totaled 125 articles. It relies on a discourse analysis tool to collect data.
The study found that the negative trend dominated the speeches of the newspapers of the seventh day and Al-Masry Al-Youm, as it came in the first place out of the total speeches of the signatories, which expresses the newspapers’ position and their rejection of the war, no matter how positive it is and beneficial to the Arab cause and Middle East issues, as no one supports the war. Souls were scattered for nothing. With regard to employing discourse strategies, the strategy of diagnosing the current situation ranked first out of the total strategies used in both sites, followed by the strategy of analyzing events and putting forward the reasons in proportion, and the offensive strategy ranked third. America came at the forefront of the negative active forces, followed by the international powers, which indicates the mental image drawn by the newspaper sites under study about America and the West.
The study also revealed that the paths of logical proof occupied the first four ranks of the total paths used in the two sites, where experiences and evidence from reality and linking the case to similar issues ranked first, and then came historical proofs in the second place, while the paths associated with statements and statements of people ranked third, and the paths occupied the third place. Related to asking questions and models is the fourth rank, and this indicates the tendency of the writers of the seventh day and the Egyptian today to rely on realistic and clear paths in addressing the issue, away from the irrational paths that occupied late ranks, the closest of which was related to significance and description. With regard to the context of the speeches, it was clear that the discourse of the study’s sample press websites depended on the conclusions in the first order, and most of these conclusions revolved around the future of the war and its repercussions at the global and national level, which indicates the extent of the book’s preoccupation with the future impact of the war on the parties to the conflict and the world at large.
