The political discourse of the leaders of the conflict countries in the Russian-Ukrainian crisis

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at the Department of Journalism - Al Jazeera Higher Media Institute


The research problem is to identify the characteristics and foundations of the journalistic discourse of the leaders of the conflict countries in the Russia-Ukraine war, the media tactics used, the main topics, and the countries involved in this conflict, and to determine the impact of the official position of these countries on the future of this war.
Objective of the study: The main objective of the study is to: determine the foundations of the political discourse of the leaders of the conflict countries in the war of Russia and Ukraine, the extent of agreement and disagreement in the discourse of these leaders, the justifications of the countries they represent for this conflict and its management, and the extent of agreement or disagreement of this image with the cultural ideology and political perspective of these countries.
Type of study: This study belongs to the descriptive studies, as it seeks to analyze and interpret the political discourse of the leaders of the countries parties to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict through the press conferences presented by these leaders.
Study methodology: This research belongs to the qualitative research methods through discourse analysis that monitors the written and spoken text. Al-Sharq-Extra News) and related symbols and indications to reveal the productive forces of discourse and the meanings required to be communicated.
The parties to the crisis used news frameworks represented in: “economic considerations of the war” and “humanitarian concerns” and the human suffering of refugees and residents under the war. The “responsibility framework” for the outbreak of the war was also used, whether by the equestrian party accusing Ukraine and the West of causing it, or by Europe and the West. Those who see the Russian President as the direct cause of the war, and the information was framed in the discourse of the parties to the crisis within the framework of the "political dispute" between the West and Russia and China, and deepening this image that justifies each party for what it is doing in fueling the conflict on the land of Ukraine.

The United States of America, the European Union, and NATO represent the most important actors influencing the war, despite their different characteristics, roles, and political and ideological orientations.
The economic sanctions imposed against Russia will not deter it from its goals that it aspires to achieve through military intervention in Ukraine, even if those sanctions harm Russia's economy, it can circumvent the sanctions, or impose counter-sanctions to harm the European economy.

