Factors affecting media students' reluctance to join the journalism major

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism, Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University


The study aimed to monitor, analyze and explain the factors affecting the reluctance of media students at the Universities of Cairo (Egypt) and King Saud (Saudi Arabia) to enroll in the journalism major  .Among the most important findings of the study, the needs of the labor market topped the list of factors affecting the reluctance of students by 73.25%, then the features of journalistic courses by 65.25%, then the difficulty of achieving goals and values associated with journalistic work by 61%, then the skills and abilities required by journalistic work by 60.75%, then the characteristics of journalistic field training by 56%, then the opinions of the surrounding groups by 53%, and finally the characteristics of journalism professors by 40.5%. In general, the study sample had a neutral attitude towards journalism as a study and a profession.
