The role of security media in spreading awareness and traffic culture

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Saad Al-Abdullah Academy for Security Sciences


Reaching the stage of individual and social awareness about the traffic issue and its dangers is everyone's responsibility. This shall be taken by all social institutions، including the media، as it has an important role in fostering the respect of traffic interaction in society، as well as reaching the road safety for all its users.
As it is certain that the safe use of the road requires the individual to abide by the traffic laws and not to underestimate them; so as not to expose himself and others to dangers that may lead to death. The fact is that the good treatment and interaction between the various categories of road users indicates the degree of awareness that the society has reached. Then، we find that traffic systems are fully and voluntarily respected without any fear of penalties or of the presence of traffic police and radars. This situation only results from the influence of the social environment (the family، the school، the street، the media and communication.... etc.) in its multiple aspects، in which the road user grew up. They shall learn from these environments the meaning of respecting law and appreciating others.
Traffic accidents are one of the most important issues that still make a large percentage of the total number of accidents recorded in societies. Addressing this issue is highly important. We notice that the percentage of deaths and injuries as a result of recorded traffic accidents is generally high، and this necessitates the need to prepare strategies for traffic safety، and efforts should be increased to deal with these accidents، as it's everyone's responsibility for all the society's groups. We tried to define the concept of traffic awareness، the components of its process، and its most important manifestations in society. All media are a way to create traffic awareness in the society culture، which helps to reduce the negative effects caused by the lack of traffic awareness in this culture.
