Propaganda Techniques in Political Marketing Campaigns via Internet and its Relation with Mood Management:


Lecturer in the Department of Public Relations and Advertising at the Canadian Higher Institute of Modern Media Technology - Canadian International University


The reseaech focused on studying Propaganda Techniques in Political Marketing Campaigns via Internet and its Relation with Mood Management: An Applied Follow-up Study of Raba’a Ala’adawya Sit-in. The research problem lies in considering political campaigns as a tool for shaping public opinion; Using various propaganda techniques, it constitutes with its wrong use of dangerous tool to guide public opinion and distort the image of society. So, we find that the Muslim Brotherhood has launched a political marketing campaign to promote the Rabaa sit-in, considering that it is a peaceful sit-in in which the protesters express their opinion, and present their demands as a human right; With the aim of embarrassing Egypt internationally, gaining the sympathy of the local, Arab and international community, and portraying the June 30, 2012 revolution as a military coup rejected by the Egyptian people; To achieve political gains for Muslim Brotherhood, using a variety of propaganda techniques.This research is descriptive research, which relied on more than one method and research tool, where the research was applied in the field by sampling method on a sample of (400) respondants by using questionnaire. A set of research methods have also been applied to study and analyze campaign materials through comprehensive survey of all campaign materials; they are the method of content analysis; to study the posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Rabaa Story website. The method of semiological analysis; to study photos and videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube channel, and Rabaa Story website. The analysis sample is focused on analyzing campaign materials on the first and second anniversary of the Rabaa sit-in evacuation.Mood Management Theory has been used, which links the media messages that the individual is exposed to and the mood expected to control him, whether negative or positive; to explain the results of the research.Among the most important findings of the research, that the (Rabaa Story) campaign affected the feelings of the target audience and controlled their mood through its propaganda elements; that they felt sadness for the victims of the sit-in.
