The effects of social media on Arabic language- Survey study on a sample of Yarmouk University Students

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Faculty of Mass Communication - Yarmouk University


This study entitled “The effects of social media on Arabic language- Survey study on a sample of Yarmouk University Students” aimed to monitor the reality of Arabic language in social networks and preview weakness and decline in it that affected the linguistic identity of Arab users in light of the digital, linguistic, cognitive and educational gap which Arab societies suffer from especially the youth segment. The current study was applied to a random sample consisted of (203) subjects of the Faculty of Media students in Yarmouk University where their dealing, employing and using of Arabic language through social media, the most prominent digital tools, were examined.  
The study results showed that the majority of the sample preferred writing in colloquial dialect while using social networks which came in the forefront the “Facebook”, as they justified their usage of colloquial dialect that it is the most popular in use, the easiest and least requirement of structure rules.
The study results also indicated that there were two types of influences that social media sites caused on Arabic language the positive and negative ones, but the most important effects revealed by these social networks among not understood abbreviations, stylistic, spelling and structural mistakes, in addition to what it has created of words and terms were Arabic and English are interfere or what is called “Arabizia, which corresponds to the term Franco-Arab in the Maghreb countries”.
With regard to reasons that motivate the university youth to use Latin letters instead of Arabic while using these social media and tools of internet, where came in the forefront “The Latin letter gives a person a sense of progress or gaining a higher social status in the society”.
The study sample addressed some suggestions to push the Arabic language forward at the university level through allocating moral awards and moral incentives in the university faculties for students who perform initiatives that motivate using classical Arabic language, holding group activities for students to discuss using Arabic language letters in the styles of communication through social media, digital tools and internet with a correct expressive language.
