Attitudes of the academic elite towards the coverage of private Egyptian satellite channels for the activities of the United Nations Conference ( COP27)

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Radio and Television, Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies - Al-Azhar University


The study aimed to identify the characteristics of the Egyptian academic elite of the study sample of the coverage provided by the Egyptian private satellite channels and to reveal their attitudes towards these coverage, by relying on the two media surveying and informational studies and by applying to a traditional sample available 262 singles of the Egyptian academic elite and the study data was collected using The investigation form, and the study concluded its results to:
1-   The low rates of the academic elite exposure to the climate conference activities, as it becomes clear from the data that 50% of the academic elite members of the study sample spend (less than an hour) to follow the activities of the climate conference through Egyptian satellite channels.
2- The source of (news channels sites on the Internet), followed by (private Egyptian satellite channels), then came (non-Egyptian satellite channels) in the third rank and finally came (Egyptian government satellite channels), as came (CBC) at the front of the Egyptian private satellite channels In terms of the reliance of the respondents, followed by (DMC) channel in the second place, then (Echo Al -Balad) channel in the third place.
3- The results showed that the direction of the respondents of the elite members of the study sample was more positive towards the effectiveness and success of the coverage provided by the Egyptian satellite channels for the activities of the conference in general, as well as the immediacy in the transfer of sessions and events, while the direction of the respondents from the elite members of the study sample was more negative towards the following negative aspects (characterized by coverage cost and exaggeration in performance).
4- The results indicated that the degree of satisfaction among the elite with the coverage of private Egyptian satellite channels for the activities of the climate conference sample of the study was average.
5- The validity of the hypothesis was partially proven that there is a statistically significant correlation between the exposure of the academic elite to cover the activities of the climate conference in private Egyptian satellite channels and their attitudes towards them, as it was proven at the level of positive trends only, while it was not proven at the level of negative respondents' attitudes towards coverage.
