Gender discrimination in the journalistic work environment:

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Journalism, Faculty of Information and Communication Technology - South Valley University


Gender discrimination is practiced in the journalistic work environment against female journalists, especially since we live in a patriarchal society that practices all its masculinity against the female, and this society still sees with one eye without taking into account the rights of the other half of society, and it is clear that gender discrimination is practiced within the journalistic work environment in all its verbal forms Such as insults, ridicule, emotional discrimination by inflicting moral harm by encouraging others to stay away from her and ostracize her, and societal discrimination, which is through spreading rumors, lies and damage to reputation, in addition to physical discrimination such as making fun of her features or physical harassment during her coverage of field news in the field of work. Or covering the news or through dealing with various sources, and discrimination may be from fellow women, and instead of the woman supporting her colleague at work, the opposite happens, and she begins to discriminate against her and hurt her feelings, whether with words, looks or whispers with others, studies show that the majority of owners The work does not take serious steps or measures to reduce gender discrimination, hence the study is concerned with monitoring gender-discriminatory behaviors within the journalistic work environment and its impact on The work of female journalists and studying these behaviors and trying to reach the factors associated with them until they are treated and eliminated.
