The use of educational media students of chat applications in educational communication and its relationship to self-confidence and their social capital

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Media - Faculty of Specific Education - Mansoura University.


This study aims to identify the relationship between educational media students' use of chat applications in educational communication, self-confidence and their social capital.
 The study was applied to intentional sample of (400) students in the Department of Educational Media in the Faculty of Specific Education, Mansoura University and Damietta University. They were divided into (300) students in the Faculty of Specific Education at Mansoura University, and (100) students in the Faculty of Specific Education at Damietta University.
 This study belongs to descriptive research and studies, the survey method was used, as it is considered one of the most appropriate scientific methods suitable for descriptive studies.
Study tools:
 The questionnaire was relied on as a tool for collecting study data, and it included the various aspects that the study seeks to identify according to the study's objectives and hypotheses.
Study Results:

There is a statistically significant correlation between the intensity of the respondents' use of chat applications in educational communication and their self-confidence.
There is a statistically significant correlation between the intensity of the respondents' use of chat applications in educational communication and their levels of social capital (Bonding - Bridging).
There is a statistically significant correlation between the intensity of the respondents' use of chat applications in educational communication and their academic performance.
There is a positive, statistically significant effect of (social capital - academic performance) on self-confidence resulting from educational media students' use of chat applications in educational communication.

