Public exposure to news sites and its relationship to their attitudes towards Covid-19 vaccines

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University

3 Lecturer, Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts - Helwan University


The study described the relationship between the exposure of the Egyptian public to electronic news sites and their attitudes towards the covid-19 vaccine. The study included a sample of Egyptian news website accounts on the social networking site (facebook); and an audience sample of 371 individuals with an average age of 30.277 years and a standard deviation of 10.86. The number of males was 109 by 29.1% with an average age of 29.29 years, and a standard deviation of 9.58, and the number of females was 262 by 70.9% with an average age of 30.68 and a standard deviation of 11.35 years. the content analysis and the Likert quintuple scale were used to measure the trend towards covid - 19 vaccines, which was applied using a sample survey.
One of the most important results of the study is that the news sites were positive about news about vaccines and focused in their coverage on information about vaccines, their importance and effectiveness, correcting misinformation about vaccines and their side effects, and the news that deals with talking about vaccines negatively, whether in symptoms, their danger to life or effectiveness came in last place by 6.8%, and the results showed that there are statistically significant differences between the average scores of the audience of both sexes in the trend towards the covid-19 vaccine along with males and a high percentage of the neutral trend towards the vaccine by 68.1% of the sample.
