National Egyptian Press's treatment of the crises related to Corona virus (COVID- 19 pandemic) Analytic:

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in the Department of Journalism at the Higher Institute of Information and Communication Arts


The study aimed to identify the frameworks of the Egyptian press’s handling of crises related to the repercussions of the emerging corona virus (Covid-19). This study is one of the descriptive studies that used the survey method in its analytical part. In order to identify the similarities and differences in the press coverage of the newspapers under study (AL MUSSAWAR، Rosalyoussef، Akher Sa’a); It was chosen randomly in the period from: (1/1/2021 to 30/6/2021)، and the study concluded that the study newspapers dealt with the topics of the Corona pandemic with clear interest. of the subject under study، and presenting a set of facts related to the subject by selecting and highlighting certain aspects، for example: Rosal Youssef newspaper targeted calm in general; Even as it dealt with injury and death statistics، as this was presented in a special framework dealing with preventive measures، and an attempt to address the crisis by setting up many projects، the other two journalists in the study، in addition to Rosalyoussef newspaper، also dealt with topics through the impact of editorial policy on those topics through suffering Citizens in their daily lives، focusing on the economic impacts in the countries of the world، highlighting the patterns of adaptation in the current situation، and trying to avoid exposure to injury. during the study period.
