The values and behaviors that are reflected in films produced exclusively on the NETFLIX platform

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Radio and Television, College of Information - Modern University for Technology and Information


In the Last few years, several paid viewing platforms have spread, perhaps the most prominent of which is the global Netflix platform, which has been distinguished by the production of its own exclusive content, whether on the scale of drama series or films, whether Arab or foreign, of all kinds and forms, in addition to the superiority of photography, montage and directing techniques that match the Hollywood movie industry with the participation of various famous artists and actors around the world, In addition, these platforms are free of any advertisements or breaks that might disturb the viewer’s follow-up to his favorite series or movie, not to mention the high-definition picture quality provided such as Full HD or 4K, Taking into account the technological updates of those platforms that work to maintain the latest content of the viewer so that the viewer can follow the last episode or the last minute at any time and on any smart device, whether a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smart phone, and all this attractive combination offers sums Low per month, starting from 120 pounds, but in the era of cultural globalization, we may find some films produced exclusively on that platform that may carry some values ​​of negative direction or negative behaviors more clearly than the positive direction in general, and it may affect directly or Indirectly on our cultural identity, customs, traditions and ancient values, whether as an Egyptian society in particular or an Arab society in general, One of the most prominent results of that study is that most of the “positive directional values” in the films of the study sample were treated as “positively motivating and supportive” by 81.3%, and the value of “love” ranked first in terms of the number of scenes treated positively, motivating and supportive by 25.2%. The most “negative behaviors” appearing in the sample of the study films were “freedom of sexual relations” with a rate of 15.5%. The results confirmed the “positive stimulating treatment” of negative behaviors in the films of the study sample, with a rate of 67%. English" and "Spanish" by 80% both as dubbing available for the films of study.
