Press speech of American and Russian news sites towards the Renaissance Dam crisis

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Journalism, Al Jazeera Higher Institute for Media and Communication Sciences


The research problem is determined by the ambiguity of the position of the American and Russian media directed in the Arabic language regarding the issue of the Renaissance Dam and Egypt’s water rights, And given the lack of scientific studies that dealt with the American and Russian media in general, and taking into account Egypt’s relationship with the two powers, whether within the American strategic alliance, or in its ambition to diversify its relations with major international powers, The study aimed to monitor and analyze
the trends of press discourse on Russian and American websites towards the issue of the Renaissance Dam, The results were:

The press speech of Sputnik and CNN agreed to emphasize Egypt's refusal to fill the dam and focused on the desperate Egyptian attempts to resort to negotiations and a peaceful solution away from military escalation in exchange for Ethiopian intransigence.
Russia adopts a neutral position on the issue of the Renaissance Dam and calls on the parties to the crisis to resort to regional organizations such as the African Union and not to interfere with any other external forces.
The positive features and roles of the Egyptian government formed the main feature of the perceptions presented by news websites about the study, with the possibility of future crises with regard to reaching an agreement that guarantees not violating Egypt's water rights.

