The future of cultural magazines in light of technological and social change in the Arab world

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts, Aswan University


Social media came at the forefront of the media that negatively affected the reality of cultural magazines. The academic elite sees the impact of the ownership pattern on Arab cultural magazines: State-owned cultural magazines are characterized by a decline in distribution and advertising income, and the reasons for the public's reluctance to follow those magazines lie in: Interest in browsing websites The Internet and social media - With regard to the pressures on the communicator in cultural magazines, the media elite saw that the most prominent pressures on the communicator are: Weak financial income - and with regard to the impact of social changes on cultural magazines - from the point of view of the media elite: The most important challenges facing these magazines - from the point of view of the media elite - are: “The decline in the value of reading” as the most prominent social changes that negatively affected Arab cultural magazines, - With regard to the media and academic elite’s view of the impact of various changes on Arab cultural magazines: The most important challenges were The social aspects facing the Arab cultural magazines - according to the vision of the two elites Media and academic study sample - in: "The decline in the value of reading" as the most prominent social changes that negatively affected cultural magazines
