Journalists' attitudes towards the use of artificial intelligence In the development of journalistic content in Egyptian newspapers and websites

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts, Benha University


The study aims to reveal journalists " attitudes towards the use of artificial intelligence in the development of journalistic content in Egyptian newspapers and websites." This objective has a set of sub-objectives: to recognize the reality of using AI applications in the development of newspapers and websites, to see how well AI applications are used in the development of newspapers and websites, to know the positive and negative impacts of using AI technologies in Egyptian newspapers and websites, to know the skills required to work in newspapers and websites using AI technologies, and to monitor proposals to enhance the use of AAI I technologies in Egypnewspapers and websites.
-    The results of the study indicate that 60% of the study sample finds that the use of artificial intelligence technologies helped to develop content in newspapers and websites
-    The results of the study indicate that 22% of the sample study finds that the use of artificial intelligence technologies in newspapers and websites has had a negative impact and led to a decrease in the number of journalists working for the press establishment
-    The results of the study indicate that 24% of the study sample finds that the challenges facing Egyptian newspapers and websites in using AI technologies technologically and technologically are the growing problems of information hacking
-    The results of the study indicate that 27% of the sample study finds that the most important effects expected to occur on the media role of Egyptian newspapers and websites in light of the development of artificial intelligence technologies are the availability of distinguished multi-skilled journalist
-    The results of the study indicate that 48% of the sample study finds that the most important effects expected to occur on the media role of Egyptian newspapers and websites in light of the development of artificial intelligence techniques are the use of keywords that help the user to easily navigate websites and rely on a distinct media content at the quantitative and qualitative levels.
-    The results of the study indicate that 89% of the sample study finds that ownership patterns affect the role of artificial intelligence technologies in the development of content provided in Egyptian newspapers and websites.
