Egyptians’ Readership of International News: A Case Study of Russian-Ukrainian War from the perspective of Seeking-Information Behavior Model

Document Type : Original Article


 Assistant Professor of Journalism, Faculty of Mass Communication, Ahram Canadian University


At times of crises, conflicts, and wars, people, in general, consumes more news more often, even if it is in the digital format preferring online access over the traditional printed versions. This study explores the reader’s attention towards the Russia-Ukraine war stories trying to figure out whether the Egyptians depend on the local or international to fetch information. The study uses the Information-Seeking Behavior model to analyze the process of their seeking trying to figure out if their interests in politics, will push them to be motivated to seek information about the Russia – Ukraine War. The study results revealed that the Egyptians rely on the international newspapers to fetch news about Russia – Ukraine War. It is also revealed that audience dependency on the newspapers is neither increasing nor decreasing with the rise in wars, however, it is still resulting in greater probabilities of the newspapers’ probable effect.
