The role of interactive advertising in activating the ability of the Egyptian public to make the purchasing decision.

Document Type : Original Article


Instructor, Department of Public Relations and Marketing Communications, Faculty of Mass Communication - Pharos University in Alexandria


There is no doubt that interactive advertisements played a major role in influencing the purchasing decision of the Egyptian public because of the great importance of advertising as an indispensable economic and promotional activity for many production and service institutions. and its influential interactive characteristics, which led to the creation of a unique approach and a new method that aroused the interest of customers in the products and services advertised, and contributed to the delivery of advertising messages to unprecedented levels, which played an important role in consumer purchasing behavior; This is in terms of overcoming the ambiguity and doubt that many individuals experience when exposed to it; Especially since it meets the basic criteria for the richness of the medium, and its ability to transmit various information using technological techniques.
