Psychological and social effects of children's use and addiction to electronic games

Document Type : Original Article


Academic - and member of the supreme advisory body of the Federation of Afro-Asian Women


This study aimed to identify the psychological and social effects of children’s use and addiction to electronic games from the point of view of fathers and mothers, in order to reach results that contribute to the development of educational, psychological and media policies and programs that mitigate the negative effects of electronic games. and mothers. As for the units of analysis, they were about children and the potential psychological and social effects on them. To achieve the objectives of this study, a special questionnaire was designed that measures the psychological and social effects of children's use and addiction to electronic games.
To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher used the descriptive survey method, and a questionnaire was prepared for parents and presented to a group of arbitrators to verify its validity and reliability. educational” were chosen by simple random method.
The study reached many results that confirm the findings of Arab and international studies. The results of the study indicated that parents see that there are many dangers to these games, and that children are greatly affected psychologically and socially as a result of their addiction to these games, that children’s playing games for long hours a day, electronic devices have many negative effects, including the impact on the general health of the child (weight gain, osteoporosis, deformities of the child’s spine, pain in the hands, eye damage, poor vision, hearing and lack of focus)
As well as weakness in the social behavior of the child such as violence, aggression, psychological disturbances, increased aggressiveness, nervousness, and irritability against parents, social isolation, constant staying up late, extreme nervousness, and uttering strange and unusual words on children. These are electronic games.
Also, the great freedom in the circulation of information on the Internet without rationalization or censorship led to severe psychological and social effects
Finally, the study demonstrated the existence of statistically significant differences between children's use and addiction to electronic games in favor of psychological and social effects.
