The impact of cinematic treatment of issues and problems related to Egypt on the behavior of the public in the period from 2011-2020

Document Type : Original Article


She holds a PhD in Media, Department of Radio and Television, Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University


This research relied on the survey method on a deliberate sample of (400) respondents from members of the Egyptian public of different segments of 18 years and over who watch Egyptian films. , in the governorates of Cairo, Giza, Sharqiya, and Fayoum, with a rate of 100 individuals for each governorate in the period from 12-2-2021 to 12-3-2021.
With the aim of determining the impact of “general and commercial” films’ treatment of themes, issues and problems related to Egypt on audience behavior in the period from 2011 to 2020,when this period witnessed the production of many "public and commercial" films. The films: full of scenes of corruption, nudity, violence and bullying, in addition to the political, social and media transformations that this period witnessed after the January 25, 2011 revolution, which led to the transmission of many negatives presented by Egyptian films. To the Egyptian street, where the behavior of individuals in Egyptian society was negatively affected and societal values were absent. This research also attempts to stand on the public's opinion about the proposals by the research to improve the content of issues and topics presented about Egypt in films. and Identify the motives of the respondents' exposure to Egyptian films, and the most important issues related to Egypt that the respondents follow through films. And getting to know the public's opinion on the way cinematographic films processing for issues related to Egypt.  And to identify the extent to which the public’s behavior is affected by the issues presented about Egypt through Egyptian films, and to identify the most important proposals by the research and approved by the audience to improve the content of films about Egypt. The most important search results: The focus on the use of scenes of violence and bullying comes first with regard to the way cinematographic films address issues related to Egypt, then ways to solve problems related to Egypt are illusory and unreal, then a superficial and vulgar treatment. The behavior of some is affected by the negatives in Egyptian films in the first place. Watching films negatively affects children’s respect for parents. The excitement presented by films provokes the desire of individuals to commit unacceptable practices in watching films that earn individuals the ways and methods of committing crimes. - There is a statistically significant relationship between the intensity of watching cinematic films and the imitation of negative behaviors found in Egyptian films. The most important proposals developed by the study to improve the content presented by films about Egypt came in the first place address issues and issues objectively and present serious issues in, and then honestly present the issues and problems of Egyptian society in all its categories.
