Employing metavirus technology in the newsrooms of Arab press institutions

Document Type : Original Article


Instructor of Journalism, Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts - Sohag University


The study seeks  to achieve a main goal of quantitative monitoring and qualitative interpretation of the perceptions، and attitudes of journalists and leaders in Arab press institutions from employing metavirs technology in their newsrooms،  and determining the degree of their knowledge of it، the extent of their awareness of the importance of employing it، the negative and positive effects resulting from it، the most prominent challenges and features of its future، The study was based on defining its objectives، answering its questions، and interpreting its results on the Vigo Chaiken model، which assumes that individuals adopt inferential processing by using semantics while evaluating new technologies، especially when these individuals are not able، or have sufficient incentive to evaluate technology، so they resort to deductive and cognitive processing Based on the experiences and experiences of others، if the inferential information is valid and accurate، then attitudes، trends and conclusions are formed. On the contrary، individuals form their judgments based on what the majority says، regardless of whether it is true or not،  The survey method was also employed، in terms of both survey and analysis، and the questionnaire tool on a sample of 100 individuals from leaders and journalists in national and private press institutions in Egypt، Saudi Arabia، Kuwait and the UAE، This is in addition to conducting in-depth electronic interviews with (10) leaders، academics، and artificial intelligence experts in the four sample countries of the study. The data of the field study and in-depth interviews were collected during the period from the beginning of August 2021 until the end of February 2022.
The study reached several important results، including: that despite the fact that the Metaverse technology is the talk of the hour at the present time، most of the respondents in the study sample do not have sufficient knowledge of it، the mechanisms of its production، and its application، and that most of their information about it is through their superiors at work، and colleagues The profession، and their beliefs and ideas about information technology and artificial intelligence techniques، as most of the respondents emphasized that employing metavirs technology within the newsrooms of their press organizations is not very important.
With regard to the readiness of Arab newsrooms، more than half of the sample indicated that they are not ready to employ this technology، and in light of the effects resulting from employing metavirs technology within the newsrooms of Arab press institutions، most of the respondents indicated that there are positive and negative effects achieved from this employment and in In light of the challenges faced by Arab press institutions to employ this technology in their newsrooms، we find that the biggest challenge is the Professional، ethical، and economic challenges ، and therefore the respondents suggested a number of mechanisms that enhance the use of metavirs technology within the newsrooms of Arab press institutions.
